Good products and good employees for all,
and the motivation and determination to never give up

Food plays a vital role for us to survive. fishery resources must be especially sustainable among all of them. We also see fisheries as an important industry that must be passed on to future generations. Unlike land-based livestock and agricultural production, Fish industry is originated from catching invisible prey in the vast ocean. Our mission is to provide sustainable seafood products while adapting to the rapidly changing environment, and we operate with the ambition of transforming Japan’s fishing industry into a growth industry. Akira Kitazono, President and CEO

代表取締役社長 北薗 昭文


Company name
Kagami Suisan Co., Ltd.
July 1987
4-215-1 asahimachi,unuma,
kakamigahara-city,Gifu Japan
60 million yen

Food Safety Policy

Peace of



Proactive initiatives to deliver safe products customers can consume with
peace of mind


We have obtained SBT certification and are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We aim to be an environmentally friendly and sustainable company.


Sustainability at
Kagami Suisan

Based on our above mentioned corporate philosophy, we at Kagami Suisan strive to supply safe products that customers can enjoy with peace of mind, promote sustainable growth for employees, and reduce the environmental footprint of our production activities.
We have obtained ASC CoC certification and have launched initiative to procure sustainable raw materials that take environmental and social aspects into consideration.
For our employees, we promote a work-life balance by ensuring no overtime, positive use of paid leave, and encouraging maternity, parental leave, and are working to create a workplace that honors diverse cultures.
Additionally, we are working to reduce our environmental footprint by switching to LED lights and implementing high-efficiency equipment.

SDGs Initiatives at Kagami Suisan


Quality Education ・Introducing a training system that respects the motivation and determination of each employee


Gender Equality ・Supporting childcare by encouraging shorter working hours and work-from-home


Affordable and Clean Energy ・Converting lighting in factories and offices to LED
・Actively implementing energy-efficient equipment


Decent Work and Economic Growth ・Promotion of work-life balance by introducing no-overtime days and encouraging employees to use paid leave
・Actively promoting reemployment after retirement
・Creating a work environment that takes into consideration the cultures of non-Japanese employees


Responsible Consumption and
・Reduction of food loss through the automation of manufacturing processes
・Reduction of waste by optimizing packaging materials


Life Below Water ・Obtaining ASC certification

About ASC

ASC certification is a certification standard for responsible aquaculture that takes into consideration workers and local communities, as well as preventing pollution of the natural environment and overuse of resources. In order to sell products as ASC certified products, all businesses, not only processing but also distributors, must obtain CoC certification. The whole supply chain from the fishery or farm to the wholesaler needs to be certificated by ASC.
